News The Nameless City

Original Comic Art for Sale!

Hi all, exciting news! I’m offering a limited amount of original comic book art for sale through my art dealer Cadence Comic Art. There are pages (and covers!) from my original work like Pumpkinheads, The Nameless City and Friends with Boys as well as artwork from licensed jobs like Avatar the Last Airbender, Attack on Titan and Archie comics (really!). If you’ve ever wanted to own original artwork from me, now’s the time to grab something. Follow the link here to see what is available for sale. This the first time I’ve offered pages from my creator-owned work for sale, as I tend to be more attached to those, so I hope they find good homes!

Also, there is a giveaway for my upcoming Young Adult graphic novel Hockey Girl Loves Drama Boy happening on Goodreads this month, so check that out here. May the odds be ever in your favour. 😉