Hi guys, I have two upcoming Canadian conventions where I will be exhibiting, along with my boyfriend Tim. At the Toronto Comic Arts Festival (TCAF), you can find me on the second level at table #200. Click here for the TCAF map. I’ll have copies of my most recent books (The Stone Heart, The Nameless City, Superhero Girl, Friends with Boys, etc) for sale and I’m happy to sign any books you bring yourself. Tim will also have copies of the self published edition of his webcomic Mush A Mush for sale.
I’ll be on one panel at TCAF at St. Paul’s on Bloor Street. Panel info:
1:00 PM – Adventure Awaits! – Four authors talk about the adventures that occur inside comics — how do you create a plot full of adventures and characters that are ready for adventures? How do you write and draw the fun and excitement of adventures into the page? Adventures await you in this panel discussion. A conversation between Scott Chantler, Faith Erin Hicks, Sara Goetter, and Molly Ostertag; moderated by Alison Wilgus.
At the Vancouver Comic Arts Festival (VanCAF) I’ll be at table N3 in the Gym. Here’s the map. Like TCAF, I’ll have copies of most of my books for sale, and I’m happy to sign any additional books you might bring. I also did a VanCAF poster! I’m happy to sign that as well.
I’m on one panel:
The Terrifying World of Kids Comics
Saturday at 10:30 – 11:15 AM in the Performance Centre
Kids comics are a big deal in the comics business these days. But what do you need to watch out for when you’re creating comics for kids? When it comes to violence, drugs and alcohol, scariness, and mature themes, how much is too much? What’s acceptable/unacceptable to publishers, to parents, and to the kids themselves? Laser Moose and Rabbit Boy creator Doug Savage hosts Strangebeard’s Kelly Tindall, Katie Shanahan (Silly Kingdom), Kean Soo (March Grand Prix), Faith Erin Hicks (The Nameless City), and Mike Lawrence (Star Scouts)
Panelists: Doug Savage, Kelly Tindall, Katie Shanahan, Kean Soo, Faith Erin Hicks, Mike Lawrence
See you there!